Seafarers Earnings Deduction

If you are a UK tax resident employed as a seafarer then His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) may allow you to claim back 100% of UK income tax paid in relation to your employment on a ship as a Seafarer, provided certain qualifying criteria are met.

Seafarers Earnings Deduction

2024 Guide to UK Seafarers Tax

This tax rule is known as Seafarers Earnings Deduction (SED). Vast numbers of people working at sea, presume they do not owe tax or need not declare their income as they do not reside in a particular country.

Whilst there may be no tax to be paid with regard to your income from employment at sea, more often than not HMRC will still expect to receive a declaration of this income.

Seafarers Tax Days Calculator

Why not try using our handy online tool to calculate your initial qualifying period? Our seafarers tax days calculator is completely free!

SED Knowledge Base

Discover all the essential information about the seafarers earnings deduction, and whether you qualify for this tax relief in our knowledge base below:

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Seafarers Earnings Deduction FAQs

Common questions on the Seafarers Earnings Deduction answered.

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